Intuition as a Muscle

The biggest breakthrough I have had recently is understanding intuition as a MUSCLE.  

Understanding that the more I call on it, the easier it becomes to hear its voice.  The more I work with it, the more it works for me.  The more I exercise it, the shorter the gaps between questioning and knowing, between being and doing, between thinking and feeling.  

Realizing that in every moment of every day, I have a choice: to either continue looking outward and asking the world for advice and opinions on every step of my life... OR! To turn inward to my own place of personal power and knowing. 

As a result, I have been able to experience life in a completely new way! Instead of overthinking and racking my brain for answers on what’s next, I can just turn within and feel around... see what resonates, what feels good, what feels right, what SPEAKS to me.  Listen; and then proceed as needed.  

From this practice, I have been taken on an incredible journey- to places I never could’ve imagined with people I never would’ve expected.  Most importantly, I have experienced a refreshed version of myself- one who is stronger and more sure, one who is not worried what others say or think, one who feels, one who knows, one who acts.  


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