Sweet Tuesday Morning Surprises
It was just this Monday that I was taking a moment to feel bed for myself…
I laid in bed with Ty, sharing, “Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to do the whole 9-5 thing…. To have actual hours that I’m off… to have REAL separation between my life & my work…”
(P.S. That’s a whole ‘nother conversation for later- the whole work/life boundaries as an entrepreneur thing…)
Fast forward to Tuesday Morning…
Ty’s 6 AM alarm went off, followed by him shouting “HOLY SHIT IT SNOWED!!” (In Southern Utah)
Just like that, we were up, packed, bundled and ready for an adventure (we didn’t know what yet…)
It turned out to be the most beautiful 4-hour morning trip… followed by cuddles, home cooked breakfast, and other yummy things all the way into the afternoon.
THIS was the reminder I needed.
The beautiful reminder that I am OH-SO-GRATEFUL to live this EXACT life that I am living.
This life that I CHOSE.
This life where I can wake up and go for 4-hour playtime adventures on a wimb
This life where freedom is my best friend
This life where living from my heart IS my deepest level of work, both personal & professional
Gentle reminder that I too, have doubts sometimes about my path, even when I claim to be guiding others on theirs… I too, have my moments
But I am grateful to have been reminded.