The Universe Leaves Breadcrumbs
The universe leaves breadcrumbs for us. It tells us when we’re on the right path. When we’re headed in the right direction.
Have you ever thought about the word coincidence? A CO-incidence? Have you ever thought that there may really be no coincidences? That there may really be a deeper Universal Wisdom at play?
All the things that you write off as “weird” or “funny” or “wild”
-When you were just thinking of that friend and they text you.
-When you’re wanting to move to a new place and you meet MULTIPLE people from there in one week
-When you notice the same number, over and over and over.
…just to name a few
What if we stopped seeing these things as simple coincidences… and started to acknowledge them as signals and signs. What if we stopped writing them off as nothing, and instead slowed down to listen, to see what the Universe is trying to tell us.
I invite you to start paying attention to the signs. Today… this week. I can GUARANTEE… you’ll start to see some “crazy” things.
As a good friend used to say, it’s not crazy, it’s cosmic.
Report back if you please 😉